Culture Change
Just as an internet meme, a new dance move, buzz word or a flu epidemic spreads into the broader population, viral change in organizations occurs via connections and the power of influence. Mandatory, top-down change initiatives that require all managers or individual contributors to obey may create compliance in the short term, but it doesn’t lend itself to self-adoption and sustainable change.
In short, our approach entails identifying and working with the willing—creating change through invitation rather than by decree. By inviting early adopters who are highly connected to become change champions and supporting them to understand, experiment and test the changes, you can spread a change quickly—through the power of influence and network connections. The number of people interacting will create a critical mass above a threshold that makes the desired changes real and visible. This tipping point, when a critical number of people have adopted something, creates a transition that results in a new normal.
We know how to spread the change fast. And the cohort process we use is designed to help the most influential and enthusiastically engaged people in your organization—rather than outside consultants or senior management—drive the change. And that makes the entire change initiative very affordable.
Contact us to find out more, or to schedule a consultation with an expert on talent development, team development or organizational change.
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